New Commuter Maps
Updated maps and timetables are now available for The Jule’s AM East, AM West, and PM Commuter routes. Timetables have been adjusted to have a similar look as our other maps.
Some of the other updates you’ll notice include…
- AM East:
- New color for Rhomberg/Windsor/Central/W Locust is Burnt Orange
- New color for Loras/Kerper/John Deere is Peach.
- View both routes on a single map.
- AM West:
- New color for Clarke/Kane/JFK/Pennsylvania is Yellow
- New color for Pennsylvania/Chavenelle/Seippel is Gold.
- View both routes on a single map.
Updated maps are available at:
- The Intermodal Transportation Center’s lobby for pick-up, at 950 Elm Street
- The Jule’s MyRide platform at for an interactive experience, set the view to map or satellite for best results
- The City’s website at for download.