Public Works Department Offers Leaf Disposal Options

The City of Dubuque is reminding residents of their options for leaf and yard debris disposal this fall. The City encourages mulching, mowing, and backyard composting as economical and beneficial leaf management options but offers several other options for yard debris management.
As part of the City’s April-November collection service, leaves and other yard waste may be placed in:
  • paper yard waste bags that display a single-use yard waste sticker;
  • a rigid solid waste container with either a single-use yard waste sticker looped on the handle or a City 2021 annual yard waste decal; or
  • in City yard debris tipper carts. Brush and limbs can be bundled with a City of Dubuque brush tie or twine and an attached single-use yard waste sticker.
Bags, containers, and bundles may not exceed 35 gallons in capacity or 40 pounds in weight. Plastic bags containing yard waste will not be collected. Paper yard waste bags, single-use yard waste stickers, and brush ties are available in most grocery, hardware, and discount stores throughout the city. Single-use yard waste stickers are available at area retailers on sheets of five for $6.50. Brush ties cost $1.30 each.
Seasonal, regular-route yard waste collection ends Monday, Nov. 29. From December 2 through March 31, Thursday collections of yard waste may be scheduled by calling (563) 589-4250 or submitting a request at  Food scraps will also be collected on Thursday only for subscribed customers.
The Public Works Department also offers, by appointment only, leaf rake-out collections in which large, curbside leaf piles are vacuumed into a collection vehicle. Collection appointments must be scheduled in advance by calling 563-589-4250 or submitting a request at Rake-out collections are offered from Monday, Oct. 11, through Wednesday, Nov. 24, this year. Appointments must be made before raking into a gutter area. Acceptable items in the leaf rake-out include loose leaves, pine needles, and pinecones. Grass, brush, plants, and rocks are not accepted.
Rake-out collection leaf piles should be placed in the street at the curb no sooner than the day before the scheduled appointment. Crews cannot enter private property or alleys to collect a leaf rake-out. Vehicles must not be parked on the street within 10 feet of the leaf pile. Utilities such as fire hydrants, utility boxes, or storm sewer catch basins should not be covered. A $20 minimum charge is added to a customer’s utility bill for a 40-bag equivalent rake-out pickup.
Residents are reminded that burning leaves and raking or blowing your leaves into the street are prohibited and subject to fines.
For more information, please contact the City of Dubuque Public Works Department at 563-589-4250 or visit

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