Display Advertising

Display Rates Per Column Inch

Preferred Rate $13.00
This rate applies to accounts that run at least a 12 column inch ad each week of the year. Also valid for non-profit groups
Campaign Rate $14.00
This rate applies to accounts that run any size ad at least 4 weeks in a row, or every other week of the year. Also for accounts that guarantee 576 inches annually.
Space Rate $15.00
This rate applies to accounts that run at least a 12 column inch ad or larger from one week to three weeks.
Open Rate $16.00
This rate applies to accounts that run up to a 12 column inch ad from one to three weeks.

Examples of Ad Cost for Most Common Size Ads (Other sizes available)

Prices are For Black Ink Only

Business Card Size (3.375 x 2 inch) $64.00 per issue for 1 to 3 consecutive issues.
Business Card Size (3.375 x 2 inch) $56.00 per issue for 4 consecutive issues or more.
Add Color for $25.00 per issue.

2 Col. x 3 inch (3.375 x 3 inch) $96.00 per issue for 1 to 3 consecutive issues.
2 Col. x 3 inch (3.375 x 3 inch) $84.00 per issue for 4 consecutive issues or more.
Add color for $25.00 per issue.

Eighth of a Page (5.125 x 4 inch) $180.00 per issue for 1 to 3 consecutive issues.
Eighth of a Page (5.125 x 4 inch) $168.00 per issue for 4 consecutive issues or more.
Add color for $48.00 per issue.

Fourth of a Page (5.125 x 8 inch) $360.00 per issue for 1 to 3 consecutive issues.
Fourth of a Page (5.125 x 8 inch) $336.00 per issue for 4 consecutive issues or more.
Add color for $96.00 per issue.

Half of a Page (10.375 x 8 inch) $720.00 per issue for 1 to 3 consecutive issues.
Half of a Page (10.375 x 8 inch) $672.00 per issue for 4 consecutive issues or more.
Add color for $192.00 per issue.

Your ad will also appear on our website www.DubuqueToday.com as a stand alone ad that readers can view, and, your ad will also be in our page flip e-edition of The Dubuque Advertiser.

Rates For Preferred Positioning

1/2 Back Page (10.375 x 8 inches) $725.00
1/2 Page Three (10.375 x 8 inches) $725.00
1/4 Page Three (5.125 x 8 inches) $362.50
1/2 Front Page (10.375 x 7 inches) $800.00
Front Page Square (1.25 x 1.5 inches) $25.00
Your ad will also appear on our website www.DubuqueToday.com as a stand alone ad that readers can view, and, your ad will also be in our page flip e-edition of The Dubuque Advertiser.

Color Rates

$4.00 per column inch. Minimum $25.00

Pre-print Inserts

Insert Rate – Standard insert – $70/per thousand – 5,000 minimum pieces

Business Classified Rates

Insertion of 15 words or less for standard classified ads $9.99
plus .25 for each additional word
Other classified rates are available depending on classification, length of run, etc. To see the options best suited to your needs, please visit our Place a Classified page.

*Rates subject to change without notice*

Ads received by deadline can be proofed through Monday noon. (Ads accepted through Monday if space is available)
1 Column = 1.625″ (9pi9)
2 Column = 3.375″ (20pi3)
3 Column = 5.125″ (30pi9)
4 Column = 6.875″ (41pi3)
5 Column = 8.625″ (51pi9)
6 Column = 10.375″ (62pi3)
Size of Page: 6 Column x 16 Inches
If you advertise with The Dubuque Advertiser, the information on this web site constitutes a written agreement between you and The Dubuque Advertiser. You agree that our liability to you for errors in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the advertisement. This is called ‘liquidated damages’. You assume all liability for errors in advertisements if you have proofed the ad, or if the same ad has been run previously.
All advertising is subject to the approval of the publisher and/or management. The Dubuque Advertiser reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
To have a representative contact you, click here.

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